Rhythms and Roles
SHG & Artist Residency (Paris, TN) | 2022-2023
Patterns and routines play a significant role in shaping our lives, often influencing our daily experiences in subtle yet profound ways. While change may seem sudden and monumental, it typically evolves gradually over time through the consistent repetition of habits and behaviors. These patterns permeate various aspects of our lives, from our homes and conversations to our relationships and workplaces.
Chosen by curators Pam Marlene Taylor and Kaylan Buteyn for a year-long representation and mentorship, these eight featured artists delve into the recurring motifs found within our routines and rituals. Through their art, they aim to uncover the hidden languages and rhythms embedded in our everyday lives, exploring themes of movement, pulse, pattern, and play.
Featuring: Fatema Abizar, Chloe Alexander, Jackie Andrews, Jenn Brazell, Dana Lynn Harper, Natalie Harrison, Carmen Mardónez, & Ilana Zweschi.